

Professional Make-up Service available | Based in Hong Kong | In collaboration with C.Y. Fan Photo (www.cyfanphoto.com) | Fashion, Sports, Event Make-up with hairstyling | Professional Portrait Photog
美容 / 化妝CY Fan MUA

模特兒 公仔~兩個 大量衣架 掛裝架 收銀櫃

summer clothing 2
t美容 / 化妝testshirley

Design Programmes: Fashion Design, Fashion Marketing, Graphic Design, Multimedia Design, Interior Design.
M設計 / 教學進修Marketing Dept

 At Macau’s City of Dreams, you can experience an array of dazzling entertainment, luxury accommodation, international dining and designer fashion brands with great ways to win more.

Retail Oriental Rings, Earring, Necklace, Bracelet, Pendant, silver jewelry

Overseas Prewedding, Hong Kong Prewedding, Macau Prewedding, Pregnancy Portrait, Newborn Photography, Commercial And Fashion
d攝影及影音 / 攝影danieltamart

主理香港潮流時裝雜誌封面,是眾多藝人明星model / luxury brand指定合作伙伴,我們勢將Fashion style帶進婚紗攝影!

Professional Full Range Production Service - Studio & Outdoor - Photography & Videography - Aerial,Fashion,Advertising,Commercial,Online Streaming,Product,Portrait,Movie,Photo Retouch,Video Editing
攝影及影音 / 攝影Pin Production

租場拍攝 Female Photographer 女攝影師,海外婚紗, 婚禮攝影,人像,企業,肖像,家庭,孕婦, 時裝攝影 ,微電影 及各樣商業攝影服務 Music Video音樂短片 MTV Stills photography劇照Fashion, Portrait , Model,Baby or newborn ,Wedding-Anniversary photography Makeup
攝影及影音 / 攝影及影音優惠Dou Studio租場拍攝

E-Plus Live Music: Wedding Band, Annual Dinner, Fashion Show, Party Gig, Plays Jazz Blues, Samba, R&B, Classical Music,

專業現場DJ服務 / 私人宴會 / 商業活動 / 狂歡派對 / Professional DJ service / Grand opening / Cocktail / Clubbing / Fashion Show (查詢: 6332 3833 / Email: [email protected])
表演藝術 / 活動管理XLARGE LIVE Co.

代客車縫各款男女時裝樣辦,小量訂單,不限數量,歡迎查詢請Whatsapp 或 Whatsapp 電話63043273陳小姐洽

Products:Furniture, Decor,Clothing,Rugs,Light Set,Seating,Bedding & Mattress,New Born,On the Go & Gear,Feeding,Bath & Skin Care

我們是『Myiii』。一家屬於香港本土的『賣衫』小店。 我們嚴選優質的服飾產品,在設計、質料、舒適度都經過店主悉心挑選。本店致力提供方便舒適有效率的購物平台,將自在、滿足、無壓力的購物體驗帶給你們。 希望每位女孩子都可以從Myiii品牌裏輕鬆打扮出屬於自己的時尚風格,散發出獨有的氣質和魅力。 ▨ www.myiii.store

拾捌No.18一直致力於為顧客搜羅各類優質熱賣商品,款式種類齊全。隨著市場對網上購物需求日益增加,拾捌引進了更多生活百貨、食品、超市、日常護理、精品、美肌化妝等商品類別,涵蓋各地熱門品牌。今期首先推出Mr. & Mrs. Socks 和Netural-House兩大品牌。並努力以最優惠價格銷售商品,為顧客提供一站式全方位購物體驗。隨時隨地在拾捌網店及手機應用程序選購心儀商品,享受送貨服務
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